Selling your practice?

You have questions, we have answers. Read through the most frequently asked questions we get when it comes to selling your practice.

Don’t see the answer you’re looking for? Contact Us

What does Strongpoint look for in a partner?

A shared vision and set of values.

It starts with sharing our vision of building the most trusted, knowledgeable, and customer-centric retirement platform in the industry and it ends with sharing our values — the core of which is a belief that this collection of local TPA’s, their leaders, their teams, and even their customers, are ultimately Stronger Together.

What changes can be expected?

What Changes and Doesn't Managed by the Firm Strongpoint Supported
Client Relationships x
Network & Platform Relationships x
Service Excellence Standards x
Benefits (401k, PTO, CE, Healthcare) x
Human Resources (People Strategy) x
Operations x
Finance & Accounting x
Data & IT x
Marketing x

What does partnership look like?

Our partners are our priority.

We pride ourselves on customizing every deal to meet your personal, professional, and financial goals. Here are some examples of different aspects of a deal, but we’ll work with you to find the best solution for your needs.


Rollover Equity

For the practice owner who wants to share the upside of Strongpoint’s rapid growth. You get the same stock our owners have.


Joint Venture or Co-Ownership

For the practice owner who wants to maintain some ownership in their practice or work with Strongpoint on opening a location. Under this model, you can also roll equity into Strongpoint and get the best of both worlds.


Associate Inclusion

For the practice owner who wants to provide financial upside and/or ownership opportunity to their associates.


All Cash

We can offer any deal structure, but we believe that all-cash deals represent the biggest missed opportunity. Groups that exclusively offer all-cash deals know how valuable rollover equity is and they choose not to share the financial upside with sellers.

Why should we partner with Strongpoint?

There’s no single right answer.

It depends on who you are and what you’re looking for. Ultimately, you need to be comfortable with whomever you entrust the future of your business, your people, and your legacy, with. We aren’t perfect for everyone, but if you share our values, believe retirement should work for everyone, and want to create a lasting growth-oriented home for your people, your customers, and your legacy, then Strongpoint might be right for you.

We invite you to get to know us, personally and professionally, throughout this process, so you can feel confident in whatever decision you make.

How does the process work?

Similar to your process in finding your life partner.

We understand how important it is to find the right partner. The three phases detailed below really are similar to how you’d look at choosing your life partner.



We get to know you, you get to know us, and we both sign a mutual confidentiality agreement. Strongpoint requests a specific list of financial and operations data from you which you provide to move to the next phase.


Deciding & Collaboration

Based on the information provided, we work together to discuss our valuation and craft a partnership that meets your goals. It includes delivery of a letter of intent to partner with us and collaboration to ensure partnership alignment.



After agreeing to valuation and the key terms of partnership, we sign and execute the letter of intent. This will then kick off an approximately 90-day due diligence process.